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Pair the Jerusalem Artichoke with Pole Beans

Pair the Jerusalem Artichoke with Pole Beans

Companion Planting: Jerusalem Artichoke with Pole Beans

For your spring planting of Jerusalem artichoke, try pairing with pole beans. The stem of the artichokes, like the stem of corn, can be used by the bean plant as a trellis. When you plant tomatoes in early spring, plant the Jerusalem artichoke, growing them all year will give large, robust roots. Cultivate this crop to prevent it from becoming invasive on other plants.

There are a few varieties worth mentioning, the Red Fuseau, Stampede, White Fuseau, Red Rover, and a flowering Helianthus Tuberosus plant. Local strains are a better bet, as they have been grown in the area successfully.

Prepare the site by removing weeds, dig in compost, and plant small seed tubers 4 to 5 inches deep and 16 inches apart. Mulch the plants with leaves, grass clippings, straw, and wood chip mulch. Two weeks after a hard freeze, dig up the roots in late fall using a digging fork, feel around with your fingers.
