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Phydura - All Natural Organic Weed and Grass Killer

  • Broad killing herbicide that is all Natural. Phydura is a broad-spectrum contact herbicide that utilizes clove oil and vinegar as active ingredients. Phydura is a non-selective spray application that is exempt from EPA registration and has no re-entry interval. Weeds controlled include both grasses and broadleaf weeds in landscape, nursery, greenhouse, and garden settings, In general, treated weeds are eradicated within 24 hours of treatment. Weeds that are in an early stage of development are especially susceptible to Phydura treatment and are often eradicated with just one application. Phydura is 100 percent biodegradable and has a pleasant scent.

    Phydura is an all natural, non-selective herbicide made from clove oil, vinegar, and other biodegradable ingredients. When you spray Phydura on annual weeds and grass, it binds to the surface of the plant and begins to destroy the cell structure through a burn down process. When Phydura is applied, the plant begins to stress, and results can be seen in as little as one hours after application.
