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Use the same greenhouse kits featured in Danny & Wanda's YouTube channels Deep South Homestead and Pecan Grove.
ZeroTol 2.0 Algaecide, Bactericide, Fungicide for immediate control of Anthracnose, Algae, Dollar Spot, Snow Molds, and more. ZeroTol 2.0 is a peroxy compound concentrate that offers superintendents a powerful new tool for controlling a broad range of turf pathogens. ZeroTol 2.0 is a broad-spectrum bactericide/fungicide formulated to kill active and dormant spores. Tank mix ZeroTol 2.0 with BioSafe Systems. AzaGuard to reduce Nematodes. ZeroTol 2.0 Algaecide, Bactericide, Fungicide is also sustainable chemistry that gives landscape professionals a tool for controlling a range of pathogens on grasses as well as ornamental and bedding plants. ZeroTol 2.0 effectively controls turf diseases and plant pathogens like Alternaria, Rhizoctonia, Pythium, and Phytophthora. ZeroTol 2.0 works on contact to reduce populations of dormant spores and active disease organisms. Tank mix ZeroTol 2.0 with compatible systemic chemistry to increase the spectrum of activity.
Use ZeroTol for a wide variety of curative treatments for turf grasses exhibiting symptoms of turf disease. ZeroTol is formulated to be applied at high rates and volumes to eradicate pathogens down to the thatch layer. ZeroTol may be applied using standard spray equipment, chemigation systems, or syringing spray treatments.
Use ZeroTol in combination with other residual fungicides to provide a "belt and suspenders" approach to disease control. ZeroTol will provide an immediate knock down of pathogens on turf, reducing the population while the residual products provide suppression of future contamination.
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