Turn your backyard into a gardening oasis with the patented seven-tier GreenStalk vertical planter.
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Products Picked by Grower's for Growers
Shop our clearance Shade Cloth! All pieces are available for immediate shipping.
Use the same greenhouse kits featured in Danny & Wanda's YouTube channels Deep South Homestead and Pecan Grove.
A complete PC Spray Stake Assembly is of 1 Spray Stake (standard or rod mount) and 1 Dripper Assembly.
Superior Wetting of the Soil Mix
Uniform watering from the first to last pot
Eliminates Misting
Efficient spray patterns
Simple, secure shut-off
Adaptable to all soil media types
Spray Patterns Designed for Nursery Containers Pick the spray pattern that is right for your plants
Simplifies Design Layout Reduces system costs
Simple, Secure Shut-Off Prevents water waste and accidental close-offs
Adaptable to All Soil Media Types Stake or rod mount options available
Full Range of Flows
Low Maintenance Lowers cost of operation
Easy Installation Prevents problems that increase installation costs
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