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Stocking Stuffers


Finding gifts can be stressful but we are here to help you find the perfect gift for the gardener in your life! Below we will discuss 6 of our favorite products that can be perfect stocking stuffers for your loved ones.


1. Soil Test Kit

The My Soil Test Kit is easy to use and provides quick results showing your soils health. All gardeners benefit from knowing what their soil needs because lacking certain nutrients can affect any plants health and production.

2. Stocking Stuffer Gift Set

An easy grab is a stocking stuffer gift set! This set has a few options with some of the items being a soil moisture meter, rain gauge, gardening shears, and a soil test kit! 

3. Brass Siphon Mixer

The brass siphon mixer is a customer favorite because it attaches to ordinary outdoor spigots and garden hoses. It is an easy and inexpensive way to make liquid fertilizing easy!

4. Soil Heating Cables

These heating Cables are ideal for starting seeds. A built-in thermostat activates when the soil temperature falls below 74 degrees. The thermostatically controlled heat of these electric soil warming cables gently speeds germination and seedling growth to produce large, healthy plants ready for transplanting. Use indoors or out to provide a head start to the regular growing season.

5. Grower's Solution T-Shirt

Who doesn't love a comfy t-shirt! Santa loves it! Our Grower's Solution tie-dye shirts are an easy and comfortable gift for anyone. 


6. Grower's Solution Gift Card

You can't go wrong with a gift card! Give your friends or family the freedom to purchase what they need and want with a gift card. This takes the stress of picking the wrong thing off your shoulders!
