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Grower's Learning Center

Greenhouses have long been hailed as sanctuaries for plant growth, providing a controlled environment that extends growing seasons and enhances yield. Among the many factors influencing greenhouse efficiency, condensation often takes a back seat in discussions. However, condensation plays a crucial role in optimizing greenhouse conditions and fostering healthier plant growth. Let's explore the remarkable benefits of condensation in a greenhouse.
  • 5 min read
If you're a passionate grower and proud owner of a greenhouse, you understand the importance of maintaining the perfect environment for your plants to thrive. Greenhouses offer a controlled space for nurturing delicate plants, extending growing seasons, and protecting your crops from unpredictable weather conditions. However, even the most well-maintained greenhouses can face unexpected challenges. That's why every greenhouse owner should have a trusty greenhouse repair kit on hand.
  • 2 min read
When it comes to successful greenhouse gardening, maintaining the right temperature is key. While the sun provides natural warmth during the day, nights and colder seasons can be a challenge for your precious plants. That's where heaters come in, and Modine Hotdawg, Modine PTP, and Modine PDP heaters are your reliable companions for achieving greenhouse greatness.
  • 2 min read
Starting seeds indoors is an exciting and cost-effective way to kickstart your garden, whether you're growing vegetables, herbs, or flowers. To ensure success, it's essential to prepare properly and gather the right supplies. In this guide, we'll walk you through the essential products you need, such as 1020 trays, inserts, humidity domes, and heat mats, and provide helpful tips to get your seedlings off to a strong start.
  • 3 min read
A common misconception could be that getting a higher percentage of shade cloth will fix my greenhouse heating problem. While shade cloth can help they might not be the best and only answer. In our other blog post “Shade Cloth FAQ’s” we listed what percentage of shade cloth is best for you and your plants. (Check here) to see what shade cloth could help you. We also answered the question“Will Shade Cloth Alone Cool My Greenhouse?”. In our answer, we said you also needed a fan and proper ventilation for effective cooling.
  • 2 min read
One of the key advantages of using RootMaker containers and trays is their positive impact on transplanting success. The fibrous root systems developed in these specialized tools provide plants with a strong foundation, enabling them to adapt quickly to new environments.
  • 2 min read
