CowPots and Jiffy Pots

Jiffy pots and CowPots look similar at first glance, but the name is a unique window into an innovative design. Cow manure, obviously, makes the difference between the two similar products. Visit to learn more about their interesting story of creating these CowPots. CowPots are biodegradable, like Jiffy pots, but the difference is that they provide immediate nutrients to the plant via the pot itself, unlike the Jiffy pots.
The Jiffy pot provides fibers to the soil during its degradation process. Visit to understand better the other products Jiffy produces. Jiffy pots, unlike CowPots are considered organic, because they are made from compressed peat. CowPots are more than double the price of the Jiffy pot. The best way to gain the advantage of the CowPot is to buy in bulk with a possible quantity discount, compared to buying just a few at a time. The CowPot gives back remnants of manure to the soil that the plant in the pot did not use. There is no smell, and provide for a larger, healthy plant.
Two dairy farmers, brothers Matt and Ben Freund from northwest Connecticut have figured out a way to incorporate manure and plants into your garden at the same time.

"Farmers and gardeners have always considered cow manure a wholesome organic soil amendment for their gardens. The challenge for these two brothers was to find a new and better way to get manure to these gardens and be of true value to consumers. This is why CowPots were born. "The CowPot manufacturer milks 265 Holstein cows. They pledge not to use any growth hormones on their animals. They use a rotational system for their cattle grazing in Connecticut.
Their website says they use a mixed ration of grasses produced on their cropland, so you can expect to their CowPots to be the remnants of the silage, and haylage. The CowPots develop mold, mushrooms, and fungus as part of being manure. The manure of the formed pot develops these naturally, and when planted in the ground, the CowPot becomes part of the soil makeup. It decomposes and returns to the soil nitrogen, fiber, and other nutrients. CowPots, when given space between other pots, breathe for the roots after the outside wall dries.
The shelf life of a CowPot is 12 weeks, the same time it takes to decompose. Now instead of the traditional way of placing raw manure in the ground, growers can also apply manure in the ground with transplant pots, to encourage root growth. Sow the seed, or transplant the seedling. Nurture with water, and light fertilizers. Plant the CowPot directly in the soil, and watch it grow, the CowPot decompose, and the soil improved year, after year.
Jiffy Pots, and CowPots are uniquely different, although they look similar, the CowPot includes nutrients but cost more, and the Jiffy pot, more economical, provides biodegradable peat when the season is finished. Both pots can benefit from using a tray, and humidity dome, and transplanted outside for summer.