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Growing with Hydroponics

Growing with Hydroponics

Hydroponics...even though this growing process has been around for centuries, it is becoming more and more popular among growers, especially in larger productions. Some of these include growing, lettuce, regular garden plants, such as tomatoes, and even tilapia. Growing plants hydroponically means using mineral nutrient solutions in water, without using soil. Instead, perlite, gravel, mineral wool, expanded clay, or coconut husk can be used. Here at Growers Solution, we have grown several plants though our own hydroponic systems that we sell and speaking from experience, they ultimately turn out to be better plants than most plants grown the traditional way, involving soil. Like any system, there are pros and cons to growing hydroponically versus growing in soil, but hopefully this will bring some light to the differences.



There are several countless advantages to growing hydroponically.

First, plants can be grown anywhere this way. Anywhere from rooftops, to windowsills, to your living room€¦there are really no limits as far as location. Second, you have more control over the plant because you have access to the roots and the plant itself. Seeing that the roots are a major part of the plant itself, it is very beneficial to be able to have total access to them at any time. Going off that last statement, because you have total access, you have limited amount of labor as well. Tilling and pulling weeds is unnecessary because without the soil, there is no need to till and weeds will not grow. Fourth, water and nutrient conservation is much more significant. Plants not grown in soil use a lot less water, and the water that is used is used through a continuous system, so it all get recycled basically, without any loss or worrying about whether or not your plant is receiving the full amount. Fifth, pests and diseases are reduced. Sixth, transplanting shock is reduced because the Rockwool or other foam cubes used to grow the seedlings can be placed directly into the new pot, or taken off easily, whereas with a soil-grown plant, the roots have to be dug out and then placed in the new pot. Lastly, soil erosion is reduced because there is no tilling involved, let alone soil for that matter. Some disadvantages include that it can be a bit pricey starting out; however, if the system is done right and the business flourishes as expected and grows at the right pace, then it will eventually pay for itself. Another is that you must be educated on the system. Knowledge is key to anything, especially on how to grow plants hydroponically. It is not something to go into blindly, just because that is a good way to lose all your money. Like anything, research should be done beforehand.


Hydroponics is a growing trend. It can make for a great business or hobby, if done correctly and gone about correctly as well. Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages, as with anything, but with care and thought, it can be very beneficial, resulting in satisfying products.
