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If Your Greenhouse Feels Like An Easy Bake Oven - Check This Out!

Is your greenhouse getting too hot in the summer heat? Is this negatively affecting your plants? We have a few tips for keeping and maintaining your greenhouse at the best temperature for your plants.

There are many different reasons that could turn your greenhouse into an easy bake oven. The sun beating down on the shade cloth, poor ventilation, or the placement of your flow fans. These problems can add up fast and affect your plants’ performance too.

A common misconception could be that getting a higher percentage of shade cloth will fix my greenhouse heating problem. While shade cloth can help they might not be the best and only answer. In our other blog post “Shade Cloth FAQ’s” we listed what percentage of shade cloth is best for you and your plants. (Check here) to see what shade cloth could help you. We also answered the question“Will Shade Cloth Alone Cool My Greenhouse?”. In our answer, we said you also needed a fan and proper ventilation for effective cooling.

Proper ventilation is vital to keep your greenhouse cool and efficient. We have a video“How to Set Up a Flow Fan Rig in a Greenhouse” on Youtube. This video shows you how to set up your flow fans to keep the air moving constantly through your greenhouse. Click here to check it out. Keeping the air moving in a circular motion will help your plants.

It’s important to take care of your cooling system and regular maintenance on your fans and vents can help prolong the life of your system. 

  1. Regularly clean your fan blades
  2. Check for damages on your blades 
  3. Set up a regular maintenance schedule for cleaning, lubrication, and overall system checks.
  4. If applicable, ensure that weather protection measures (shutters, louvers) are functioning and sealing properly.

Following these steps can help your system stay efficient and work for many years to come.

Keeping your greenhouse cooler is easy if you follow a few of these tips and tricks. Make sure you have proper ventilation and airflow, take care of your system, and get the right tools for the job. If you have any more questions that we didn’t answer here please feel free to call us here at Grower’s Solution.
